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Ebook Four free kings Superchess

Ebook Four free kings Superchess

 4,00 IVA inclusa

Ebook Four free kings ENGLISH VERSION.

DOWNLOAD PDF version of the new chess game written by Michele Turano, first edition November 2021. This book is about how a new game of chess and related regulation was born. It contains 25 color images of the board and the placement of the pieces in play. He also explains in detail, in pictures and writing, how to play.

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The book DOWNLOADABLE VERSION in PDF entitled Quattro re liberi - Superscacchi was written by Michele Turano, first edition November 2021.

The book contains the following information: 1. How the game was born; 2. visual description of the board; 3. Placement of the pieces; 4. how to move the pieces; 5. purpose of the game; 6. warnings; 7. participants in the game; 8. how to play in eight (8), in four (4), in two (2); 9. how to determine victory; 10. tactics, openings and useful information.

The book is useful to understand how the game is structured, how to start playing and what rules to follow.

The book is accompanied by color images that explain the chessboard, pieces, placement and moves.

1 recensione per Ebook Four free kings Superchess

  1. Stev. Jacobs

    Nice game! Congratulations.

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